What is Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)?
CSEC is a form of child abuse in which children are engaged in commercial sexual acts by exploiters or pimps. It is a serious crime that occurs at rates much higher than most people realize.
The commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) includes:
- Sexual activity involving a child in exchange for something of value or the promise of something of value
- When a child (age 17 years of younger) is treated as a commercial and sexual object
Sexual abuse and remuneration in money, goods, or services; or the promise of money, goods, or services and includes:
- Street prostitution
- Pornography
- Stripping
- Erotic/nude massage
- Phone sex lines
- Escort services
- Private parties
- Gang-based prostitution
- Interfamilial pimping
- Forms of internet-based exploitation
Exploiters and pimps target vulnerable youth, many of whom have histories of running away, abuse, and neglect. What initially seems like love and security often turns into control, manipulation, and violence, making it difficult for youth to step forward, identify as victims, or seek help.